Indira Gandhi Biography – Full Life Story Details

Indira Gandhi Biography full life story

Indira Gandhi was born on 9 November 1917 in Allahabad. Indira Gandhi became the first woman Prime Minister in Indian politics. She became the Prime Minister of India thrice. She was the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. Indira Gandhi married Feroze Gandhi in 1942. They had two Children were born, one Sanjay Gandhi and the other Rajiv Gandhi. Indira Gandhi’s husband Firoz Gandhi died in 1960.

Indira Gandhi Biography

After the sudden death of the Prime Minister of India, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi got the privilege of becoming the Prime Minister for the first time and then under her able leadership, India also achieved great successes. Then she became the Prime Minister of India thrice and during the war of 1971-72. Breaking Pakistan into two and creating Bangladesh is considered one of the biggest successes of Indira Gandhi.

Which they did and the whole world stood against them like a country like America had sided with Pakistan but Indira Gandhi did not bow down to all these countries and she said that we should free this country from Pakistan Army and declared it an independent country. This work has to be done and this country will never forget his achievement of breaking Pakistan into two pieces and establishing an independent Bangladesh with the strength of the Indian Army.

Indira Gandhi Biography

Indira Gandhi’s work as Prime Minister

In January 1966, when Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died suddenly in Tashkent, Indira Gandhi was made the Prime Minister. Then gradually, on the basis of her work, Indira Gandhi started creating a distinct identity in the party and the country and her image started emerging as a powerful leader. Then in the 1971 Lok Sabha elections, Indira Gandhi formed her government again and then Pakistan They started perpetrating atrocities on the people of East Pakistan and the people there became very upset.

India was being told by the leaders of East Pakistan that you will help us, the Pakistan Army was committing atrocities against the women there. Then Indira Gandhi sent the Indian Army to Bangladesh and freed East Pakistan from the Pakistan Army and declared it a new country and this new country was named Bangladesh and Pakistan got divided into two pieces. After achieving such a huge success, Indira Gandhi India I had emerged as a great leader.

And even in the world, despite opposition from many countries, she stuck to her decision. After that, Indira Gandhi nationalized the banks. This was also a very good thing. It changed the banking system of the entire India. Then the allowances were given to the kings. Indira Gandhi also abolished it and many kings also opposed it but none of them could survive in front of Indira Gandhi.

Indira Gandhi Biography full story

Indira Gandhi also imposed emergency on the country. Within 1975, all the opposition leaders were put in jail and Indira Gandhi also took away the freedom of the press. Electricity of all the newspapers was cut off and for the first time the country also saw a face who was Perhaps anyone would have thought that in the elections held after that, Indira Gandhi lost the election and Janata Party came to power, but Janata Party could not run the government for long and after 3 years, Lok Sabha elections were held again and Indira Gandhi came back again by forming the government. In this way, Indira Gandhi has left an indelible mark on India.

But unfortunately in 1984, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own bodyguards and after that, anti-Sikh riots broke out across the country. The country suffered a lot due to the departure of a leader like this and the riots that followed. After the death of Indira Gandhi, her Son Rajiv Gandhi was made the Prime Minister of India but unfortunately, after a few years, Rajiv Gandhi also became the victim of a human bomb while going to a meeting and he also died in an unfortunate accident.

Conclusion :-

In this post, you have been provided with complete information about Indira Gandhi Biography . We hope that this information will prove to be very useful in your life. You can also learn from the life of Indira Gandhi that despite being a woman, the Congress leader could not even think of this. There were doubts about what it would be able to do, but as soon as he took over as the Prime Minister, the way he worked, everyone praised his big decisions and even today, because of those crops, this country has been able to progress a lot.

But you also made some mistakes like imposing emergency, so you should also learn the same in life that no matter how good you do, if you do one wrong thing then the people of this country can make you lose the election again, no matter how powerful a leader you are, Indira. Please comment what you learn from Gandhi’s life.

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